Archive for the ‘Processes’ Category
3 reasons most budgets don’t work and how to fix them (a.k.a. How to create a budget that works)
Written by Sam on August 1, 2006 – 9:57 pm -Let’s face it, budgeting can be a pain. Most people get too discouraged trying to get a budget to work. They spend hours trying to figure out how much to budget in each category and may even track every penny spent during the month only to find out that reality didn’t match what was budgeted. In these instances budgeting just seems like a futile theoretical exercise. There’s no follow up or reconciliation to tie one month’s budget to the next. Add to this the emotional issues that budgeting can trigger and your chances of maintaining a budget dive bomb. Many people who get to this point just give up and quit.
Posted in Budget, Budgeting, Budgets, Cash, Finance, Finances, Money, Personal Finance, Processes, Spending, Tools | 19 Comments »