Getting Finances Done provides top-quality content about personal finance, budgeting, and getting control over your finances to reach your financial goals. Our readership is always looking for techniques, products and services that can enhance their financial lives, help them save money, get out of debt, manage their money more effectively, and have financial peace. We’d love to have you join our group of advertisers and get the message out about your product or service.
We have an interesting mix of single independent readers and families. We often have couples read our site and participate together in improving their financial situation. My program “12 Weeks to Fiscal Fitness” provides a step-by-step program that walks people through the specifics of doing their budget and managing their money. They are interested and responsive to suggested products that make their lives easier.
Shown below are some standard advertising options. If you have other ideas, feel free to contact me at If you need any assistance designing an ad or coming up with a good text link, I can help after your purchase.
Advertising Terms
I don’t accept ads for gambling-related or adult products and services. If you are advertising for anything remotely shady, I will decline your offer. It is also important to me to keep the best interest of my readers at heart and any advertising on my site can be a reflection on me. All links will also be ‘nofollow’ links since I’ve been google-slapped in the past for offering links that can be followed by search engines and influence rankings.
So, with that, here are your options. After you select your duration and display type, remit payment through Paypal and email me your art and links. I will then be in contact within 24 hours to help modify your ad (if needed). Unfortunately, I cannot assist with your ad campaign until you purchase a placement.
125×125 Banners
Located just below the newsletter section in the side navigation, these banners are shown directly above our articles and features. You can see these placements by looking on the right side of this page.
Ordering is as easy as selecting the length of time and paying through Paypal below. Once payment is sent, please email your art and URLs to and we’ll get started.
Text Link in GFD Marketplace
Every article page on this site has a section labeled “GFD Marketplace”. In this section, you get up to two links and a couple of short sentences to explain the link, site, service, etc. This is the cheapest way to advertise on GFD. The GFD Marketplace is located directly under the site navigation on the right.
Ordering is as easy as selecting the length of time and paying through Paypal below. Once payment is sent, please email your art and URLs to sjpeer{at}gettingfinancesdone{dot}com and we’ll get started.
If you have any questions or if I have made this confusing, don’t hesitate to give me a shout at