
Getting Finances Done teaches couples and individuals how to achieve anxiety-free financial control.

After over ten years of marriage, we have finally developed a way of managing our finances that actually helps bring us together rather than pushing us apart. Using this system we are able to tell our money exactly where to go rather than wondering where it all went at the end of the month. We now are on track to meet financial goals that would have seemed impossible a year ago.

Many of the principles we follow are similar to those in David Allen’s Getting Things Done. We believe it’s possible to achieve David’s concept of “Mind like water” in your personal finances as well as your personal productivity.

We have also been strongly influenced by Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. While Dave teaches the high-level principles, we were left with many questions as to the technicalities. We will give specific examples of how we implemented our system while striving to remain device and software agnostic.

We want to share our financal system and experiences in the hope that we can help others obtain this stress-free state of financial control.

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