Budgeting on a self-employed or irregular income

Written by Sam on September 6, 2006 – 10:05 pm -

Since I wrote my post about “How to create a zero-based budget,” I’ve had a lot of feedback asking how to budget if you’re self-employed or your income is irregular or unpredicitble. For the most part, the process is the same regardless or how regular or irregular your income streams are. However, there are a few tips that will help take the bumps out of budgeting an unpredictable income and may even make budgeting a pleasant experience.

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Posted in Budget, Budgeting, Budgets, Cash, Emergencies, Finance, Finances, Money, Personal Finance | 22 Comments »

Start budgeting today! It’s a new month

Written by Sam on September 1, 2006 – 8:27 am -

Just a reminder that today is September 1st and a perfect time to get your budget up and running. My wife and I start our budget officially on the 5th of every month because that’s when I get paid. Just remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect! Getting started is the main thing. Each month you’ll improve a little and after a while, your budget will be easy to maintain.

If needed, review the following posts and start TODAY!

Please post a comment with thoughts, questions, and experiences.

Posted in Budget, Budgeting, Budgets, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Start budgeting today! It’s a new month

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