Archive for the ‘GTD’ Category
Applying GTD principles to your personal finances – Part 2
Written by Sam on April 10, 2007 – 7:28 pm -
In my previous post about GTD for personal finances (part 1), I covered some basic ways to apply GTD principles in managing your personal finances. Here are 5 more ways you can apply GTD principles to your finances.
Posted in GTD, Personal Finance | 10 Comments »
Applying GTD principles to your personal finances – Part 1
Written by Sam on April 5, 2007 – 8:35 pm -
I’m a big fan of David Allen’s book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. Enough so that I actually modeled the name of my site after his book. The reason I did so was that I found many of his principles for personal productivity had a very real application in personal finances. I found that I wanted to achieve the same “stress-free” environment with my personal finances as with my personal productivity.
By applying David Allen’s personal productivity principles to personal finances I’ve been able to make some vital distinctions that have helped me manage my money more effectively. Some principles have a very general application like “use a trusted system” while others have a very direct application like “operate from a zero base.” Here is my take on how you can apply GTD principles to your personal finances. It’s ok if you don’t know anything about GTD. These principles will still make sense and are sound principles to follow.
Posted in GTD, Personal Finance | 49 Comments »