Supercharge your Sunday circulars to find local deals
Written by SamOne of the challenges with finding the best sales locally is the amount of work it takes. Sunday circulars – the mini-catalogs you find from local retailers in your Sunday newspaper – are a great way to find deals. However, there’s one big weakness with them – it’s hard to find specific items. You can spend hours pouring over the circulars looking for a specific item of interest. solves that problem by putting the Sunday circulars online. You can browse through the actual circulars page by page or search by item. Once you search for an item you can refine your search by brand, price, or even store.
I use ShopLocal very frequently for items that I don’t want to pay shipping on or that I want right away. I will also buy locally vs online when I want the option of returning the item to the store if I have problems or aren’t satisfied. I find that I can often find prices at local retailers as low as I can online.
Check out this brief screencast showing you how ShopLocal works.
Technorati Tags: shopping, local, retailers, sales, deals

Posted in How to, Shopping, Videos | 2 Comments »
December 4th, 2009 at 8:21 am
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August 7th, 2010 at 10:18 am
[…] to Getting Finances Done for writing a nice blog article about one of the best price comparison websites (if we do say so […]